Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hi, Everyone. Went to see oncologist with Pop yesterday. EVERYTHING, and I mean everything, looks great. I think the doctor was happy with Pop's condition, but not any more so than we were! He looks great! He feels good, and he's as handsome as ever!!

Last Friday when Pop went for his IV fluids, the nurse said he wouldn't be getting them as he didn't need them. PRAISE GOD!! (Pop says anytime he doesn't have to get stuck with a needle is good!)

In addition, his weight has been really good. I guess usually chemo patients lose weight, but not Pop. He's been gaining a little. Some of this is fluids and some is just healthy weight gain.

Also, Pop's white blood cell count is really, really good. Last week it was 15.1, and the doctor had said that it needed to stay within the 4-10 range. So Pop's count is super!! He received a special shot to boost his white blood cell count the day after his second chemo cycle, and it worked. Of course, I am sure Pop's supplements and lots of prayers have helped, too. (Thanks Mary Sidney and Joe,...for everything!)

So, as you can see, Pop is doing very, very well. I have to refer back to a scripture from a previous post; it is Ephesians 3:20, "Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish exceedingly, abundantly more than we would ever dare to hope, ask or think." AMEN! (I just love this scripture!!)

Please keep praying; next week Pop starts his 3rd chemo cycle. He's hoping that he will only have to undergo 4 cycles and not the 6 he was originally told. He is ready to get back to work!

Ecclesiates 5:19b-20 says, "To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life-that is indeed a gift from God. People who do this rarely look with sorrow on the past, for God has given them reasons for joy."................I am sure we all have reasons for joy-sometimes we just have to look for them as we got bogged down with our sorrows. Keep your eyes on Jesus and never stop hoping and believing. Speak positive things and stop focusing on the negative. You reap what you sow positively! Speak blessings and not curses. May God bless you!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Last week Pop finished his 2nd cycle of chemo. To boost his white cell production he was given a shot of a special medication on Friday. It worked. Although he was tired this weekend, his white blood cell count was good today. It was 15.2, which is very good. He received IV fluids today which energizes him and is good for his kidneys.

Two cycles down and four to go. Keep up the prayers!

Psalm 27:14, "Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord."